What's behind the cost of your cosmetics?

March 6, 2025

In the world of cosmics, there's a common misconception: "if it's expensive, it's better quality". But is this really the case? At BeautyMix, transparency is our priority. Today, we take an in-depth look at the hidden costs of cosmics, and demonstrate why a high price does not always mean superior efficacy.

Why are some cosmics so expensive?

The surprising reality of manufacturing costs

Did you know that some luxury brands and more affordable brands can manufacture their products in the same laboratories? Yet the price difference is considerable. Why is this?

Although top-of-the-range products often use more expensive assets, multiplying their production cost by two, three or even four, the latter remains low compared to the final selling price. In fact, a large part of the price you pay does not correspond to the intrinsic value of the product.

The impact of packaging

High-end brands also invest in luxurious packaging. Thick glass bottles, gold caps or innovative designs reinforce the perception of quality. Yet the cost of manufacturing them justifies only a fraction of the selling price.

Research and development: a regulatory necessity

The European Union imposes strict regulations on cosmetics, involving numerous tests for stability, safety and efficacy. These tests are essential, but they represent an investment that is reflected in the final price of the product.

Distribution and marketing costs

Logistics, transport and distribution costs add to the bill. What's more, major brands devote a minimum of 20% of the product price to advertising, notably via muses and influencers. Some spend several million euros a year on their brand image. But do we really need all that for an effective product?

Homemade cosmetics: an economical, transparent alternative

With BeautyMix, it's easy to make your own cosmetics at home. You control the composition of your skincare products and pay only for the active ingredients, without the hidden costs of distribution and marketing.

Another advantage is that containers and equipment can be reused again and again, limiting waste and promoting more responsible consumption.

Cost comparison with BeautyMix

Product Cost with BeautyMix
Lip balm (5g) 0,58 €
Anti-aging cream (30 mL) 3,22 €
Micellar water (100 mL) 3,67 €
Organic deodorant (50g) 4,56 €

An initial investment that quickly pays for itself, for effective, personalized and ethical care!

Conclusion: rethinking the value of our cosmics

So what is the real value of a cosmetic? Its marketing or its real effectiveness?

With homemade cosmetics, you take back control: healthy, transparent, affordable products.

What do you think? Have you already tried homemade cosmetics? Tell us about your experience!

The BeautyMix team

BeautyMix in "Who wants to be my partner?"
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